
DNMADE Fashion Lycée Argouges

Accompanied by artists Yannick Hugron and Loïg Garcia,2nd-year DNMADE Fashion, Innovation and Movement students from Grenoble's Lycée Argouges are taking part in workshops to experiment with augmented bodies. Creating wearable physical extensions, making costumes and accessories that adapt to all bodies to question norms and combat stereotypes.


Teaching dance at Lycée Stendhal

The CCN accompanies and coordinates the teaching of dance as a speciality in 1st and 12th year classes at Grenoble's Lycée Stendhal. This partnership enables students to acquire the foundations of a choreographic culture through practical and theoretical workshops and encounters with choreographers and dancers in connection with the works on the Baccalauréat syllabus.


Princesse de Pierre by Pauline Peyrade

During the 2023 edition of L'AUTRE COLO, the CCN presented young participants with the play PRINCESSE DE PIERRE by Pauline Peyrade (winner of the Goncourt prize for first novels), a brilliant text on school bullying, masterfully performed by Pauline Chabrol. Following the emotional response to this story, the CCN decided to program the play in secondary schools across the department (touring secondary schools in Grenoble and Isère (Collège Munch, Grenoble - Collège La Moulinière, Domène- Collège Les Mattons, Vizille - Institut Bayard, Grenoble).

Association Femmes SDF

The CCN and choreographer and dancer Agnès Canova work with the association FEMMES SDF in partnership with the TMG. The practice of dance offers these women a space for encounters and exchanges, a time to express themselves, discover their creative potential and boost their self-esteem. They are working together to create a show entitled Cocon. The show will be presented on Friday July 5, 2024 at 7pm at TMG - Théâtre de Poche, and will open the C'est Pas Du Luxe! festival in Avignon on September 26, 2024.



The CCN de Grenoble is offering body and movement workshops to psychologically fragile teenagers hospitalized for long periods at the Clinique FESF Grenoble La Tronche. The aim of these workshops, led by dancer Bruno Maréchal, is to enable them to re-appropriate a healthy relationship with their bodies, while practicing a physical and artistic activity.

In partnership with the Grenoble Alpes University Hospital, the CCN also works with women who are victims of domestic and sexual violence. Dancer Agnès Canova and singer Bertille Puissat offer them the opportunity to share a sensitive space of expression through voice and movement workshops in the CCN studio.


In collaboration with Compagnie Kay and in connection with its shows Un pas plus loin and Un pas de plus, the CCN is offering workshops for young children in various establishments in Grenoble and in its studio. The program is aimed at children facing a variety of problems (family, social, economic).

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