A hypnotic facial striptease.
REFACE is a physical and musical exploration of transformation. The two performers metamorphose before our very eyes, moving from one image to another, from one posture to another, confusing us and blurring our bearings. Who are they? What is she? Is it a ghost? A child? Laughter or terror? Nothing is fixed. All is confusion and illusion. Games and artifice. Cinema and lies.
" For REFACE, we focused not on what's fixed and established within us, but on the fact that there's movement everywhere, all the time. Our bodies, our emotions, our relationships, our flora, our memory, our relationship with history, are constantly changing... Everything is caught up in a kind of great, permanent, uncontrollable movement. François Jullien's book Les Transformations silencieuses was a great resource on the subject. In REFACE, we wanted to highlight the microchanges, the invisible but permanent micro-transformations and metamorphoses that transform and shape who we are and our environment. We worked on these micro-changes on an intimate scale, on how our body, our posture, our face are constantly transforming, without us even realizing it."
The Idols
MARCH 27, 2025
lycée pravaz - pont-de-beauvoisin
WORKSHOPS WITH choreographers and dancers chandra grangean and lise messina on the theme of transformation
Workshops with choreographers and dancers Chandra Grangean and Lise Messina on the theme of transformation
The two artists will work with students on the theme of self-representation. They will explore the question of identity and the relationship with others. How do we spontaneously present ourselves? What do we let others see about us? Conversely, what do we hide? And how? And from whom? In the age of social networking, these questions are all the more pressing. Very often, we show just one (idealized) side of ourselves, a face subjected to multiple distorting filters. These workshops will provide a space in which to play, to transform ourselves, to change our face and body - to make it beautiful, ugly, inhuman, bizarre - to find other faces of ourselves and to let go...
MARCH 28, 2025 at 3:30 pm
lycée pravaz - pont-de-beauvoisin
performance reface
(school performance)
performance reface
(school performance)
The performance will be followed by a discussion led by Marie Pons, author, critic and dance researcher.
March 29, 2025 at 4pm
MÉDIATHÈQUE LA TRAVERSÉE - pont-de-beauvoisin
performance reface
Performance reface
All ages 10 and up, free with registration.
T : 04 74 83 59 00 (type 3)
mediatheque.latraversee@valsdudauphine.frMarch 29, 2025 at 5pm
Un goûter chez maryse - pont-de-beauvoisin
cŒur critique with marie pons
cŒur critique with marie pons
The Centre chorégraphique national de Grenoble, in complicity with Marie Pons, proposes a moment de coeur critique Chez Maryse.
"Here's an invitation to meet in a warm café to share a conversation. Over a snack, we'll take the time to discuss the dance show we've just seen together. How do you talk about dance, how do you put into words what you've felt, analyzed and perceived? How do we describe, listen and receive? Sharing and pooling our sensitive views will create a rich, lively polyphonic experience. Marie Pons
April 8, 2025 at 7pm
MÉDIATHÈQUE LA passerelle - La Tour-du-pin
performance reface
followed by a live chat with the artists
Performance reface
All ages 10 and up, free with registration.
T : 04 74 83 59 00 (type 1)
As part of the Ministry of Culture's Danses en territoires program and in partnership with :
The Centre chorégraphique national de Grenoble is funded by the Drac Auvergne - Rhône-Alpes / Ministère de la culture et de la communication, the Région Auvergne - Rhône-Alpes, the Département de l'Isère, Grenoble-Alpes Métropole.